Privacy Policy

We at take the protection of your personal information (viz: name, address, phone number, date of birth, e-mail address, credit/debit card number, gender, language preference, and merchandise category preferences) sincerely and confidentially.

  • As a matter of dealing with you, we collect Personal Information that you provide to us voluntarily and process it for the following purposes:
  • To oblige your order and to process the transactions of our beloved customers where applicable;
  • For direct marketing and to execute your order
  • For understanding and analyzing the sales trend, periodical review and needs of our customers.
  • To design and customize the products as per the expectations of our valued customers.
  • To get regular feedback and appraisal about the periodical schemes on products.
  • To enhance product safety and efficacy
  • To continuously improve the services and the product quality.
  • To resolve the complaints.

Such personal information held with us is securely processed throughout the country or worldwide as and when required.

As per your convenience, we may keep in touch with you through digital, electronic or by other means of communications for loyalty schemes or to appraise about consumer benefits.

The company’s website has a feature to use cookies to assist us by providing the explicit user experience. You are having an option to deny the cookies if your browser permits, though this may affect the access to the website and prevents the access to certain features of the site.

Approach to Privacy

  • We at ensure building the trust level between you and us which shall be maintained for our long lasting relationship by protecting your personal information. Consumer relationship maintenance is our first priority. CosmoTrend is the first person (“we”, “us”) responsible for the collection of the Personal Information and abide by its Privacy Policy. The second person (“you”, “your” and “yours”) denotes as the customer, or generally the individual providing the personal relationship or any other information, being the subject matter of this privacy policy.
    The aforesaid Privacy describes our commitment level and consumer rights regarding processing of your personal information in accordance with the law of land.
  • CosmoTrend is accountable for the Personal Information under its control, disclosure of the Personal Information by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, or alignment, combination, blocking, erasure or destruction of the information or data.
  • In certain specific instances, this Privacy Policy may also be supplemented by additional policies and terms, or by short Privacy Statements used in connection with particular purpose (s) or in various forms, which we may identify to be applicable.
  • CosmoTrend Inc. is the marketing company with ownership of various brands registered under the Intellectual property rights.
  • CosmoTrend Inc. takes every measure to provide satisfactory level of protection for Personal Information processed by us.
  • By disclosing your personal information, you agreed to the collection and use or otherwise Processing (including disclosure) of your Personal Information in the manner and for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.

Information Collection

  • We communicate with you through email, website, by post, courier, telephone or by text messages, whatsapp messages on your mobile phone. Above said communications may involve giving to you, as well as receiving information from you. Some of the information that we receive is personally identifiable information (as defined in paragraph (3) below), while some information (particularly information collected through your access of our web sites) is non-personally identifiable information (as described in paragraph (4) below). This Privacy policy is primarily concerned with the Processing of Personal Information.
  • CosmoTrend provides you with information that explains why the Personal Information is needed and how the Personal Information will be processed.

Terms related to Personal Information

  • We at limit the amount and type of information that we collect to that which is necessary for the identified purposes and do not collect your Personal Information unless you (directly or indirectly) provide it to us voluntarily.
  • Whereas the precise details of the Personal Information collected may vary according to the specific purpose, we may typically collect the following Personal Information from or in relation to you like Name, Address, Phone number(s), Date of birth, E-mail address, Credit/Debit card number, Gender, Language preference; and merchandise category preferences, PAN card number and Adhaar card number etc.

Non-Personally Identifiable Information

  • In cases where we collect information through our web sites, as is the case with many other web sites, we inevitably collect certain non-personal information regarding web site use which does not describes about you. For instance, the Internet Protocol (IP) address of your computer, the IP address of your Internet Service provider, the date and time you access the web site, the internet address of the website from which you directly linked to our web site, the operating system you are using, the sections of the website you visit, the web site pages read and images viewed, and the content you download from our website.
  • CosmoTrend Inc. may use non-personal information to compile tracking information reports regarding site user demographics, site traffic patterns and site purchases.
  • Under such circumstances, your visit to our website will be logged; however, you will remain anonymous to us unless you specifically choose to share information with us unless you specifically choose to share information with us. We use this information about the way in which our customers use our website to better understand which features are ther most popular and best meet the needs of our visitors.

Under what circumstances Personal Information collected and used?

  •  CosmoTrend Inc. collects Personal Information for the below mentioned purposes:
  • To complete transactions with you and to administer sales;
  • To review trends, requirements of the consumers and trend analyses;
  • To modify the profile of the existing products and to continuously enhance the safety and efficacy through R&Ds;
  • To apprise you regarding the periodical/ bonus schemes announced from time to time (if any);
  • To get your feedback or incremental improvement in the product quality;
  • To expedite product exchange or product returns management;
  • To improve availability and accessibility of our products widely; and,
  • To handle complaint management systems.
  • We retain Personal Information for a time as deemed necessary to satisfy the specified purposes due to which it was collected. Such Personal Information is being retained as per our company policy in accordance with the applicable law.
  • In case your Personal Information is required by a competent authority under the law of this country, we have no option left with us other than the disclosure of such Information.
  • CosmoTrend Inc. does not own any responsibility if your Personal Information is pilfered either due to hacking of your email, mobile data, hacking of your credit/debit card or due to theft of your computer, mobile etc. by antisocial element.
    If you do not want to receive our communication at any time of point, you may unsubscribe our website being future approach or may intimate us in this respect.

Consumer/ User Consent (Opt In – Unsubscribe)

  • Tendering your consent to provide a Personal Information is not a pre-requisite condition for selling our product to you, until and unless the information is required for some specific or legitimate purposes. We undertake that, we intentionally will not share your Personal Information with anyone unless required by some competent authority. You may withdraw your consent to our information used, disclosure of your Personal Information by contacting us or writing to us.

Authenticity and correctness of Information

  • We at CosmoTrend retain your Personal Information being authentic, complete accurate, and up-to-date as necessary, we build up our confidence with our customer by using such information.
  • You are responsible for intimation to us in respect of any change in personal information by ensuring that information is true and correct to the best of your knowledge. Providing false and frivolous information may invite legal action.

Accessing and Updating Personal Information

  • Being a customer, you have bonafide rights to access, amend, delete, or object your Personal Information retained by us and to confirm of its use and disclosure.
  • We may rectify the Personal Information stored in our data base as and when it comes to our knowledge or the individual informed us by him/her.

Date of implementation and Changes in Privacy Policy

  • CosmoTrend Inc. Privacy Policy is effective from 25nd May 2020.
  • CosmoTrend Inc. has the right to rectify the Privacy Policy as and when required with the passage of time, since many issues cannot be foreseen which comes and need rectification with the passage of time and experience.

Security of Information

  • CosmoTrend Inc. assures to secure your information confidentially and sincerely.

Business Transactions

  • We at CosmoTrend Inc. prefer to use standard and authorized mode of payment services. Fraudulent mode of payments, bogus cheque draft, and debit/credit cards used by any customer will not be the liability of the CosmoTrend Inc. and the customer will be solely responsible for such frauds and will be liable to face legal action.

Help Desk

  • We at CosmoTrend Inc. have created the customer help desk. You may contact us at +91-9876796699 or email us at for any query/question/ clarification regarding this privacy policy or data collection practices mentioned in this policy.


  • We at CosmoTrend Inc. have tried our best that there shall not be any similarity or reproducibility of content of the Privacy Policy, however some clauses of it may resemble not due to any intention but due to common clauses of legal language which is unavoidable. Copying of this Privacy Policy in any form or its identical version is strictly prohibited.